The benefits of a mindfulness practice can be experienced by nearly anyone and can help one live life more fully, peacefully and resourcefully.

Many studies have found that mindfulness practice:

  • Enhances ability to act effectively under high degrees of stress,

  • Reduces depression and anxiety,

  • Increases well-being,

  • Increases openness to experience,

  • Strengthens immune system, 

  • Increases traits of hardiness, self-awareness, self-trust, and self-acceptance

  • Improves interpersonal relationships,

  • Fosters an awareness that is clear, non-conceptual, and flexible.

  • Positively alters the structure and neural patterns in the brain - strengthening regions associated compassion, equanimity, clarity and wisdom.

We take care of the future best by taking care of the present now.
— Jon Kabat Zinn